(Wolf von Klitzing)

Coordinator of the project and leader of management Work Package 1 and scientific contributions to WP2 and WP5. These are in particular focused on rf-dressed time averaged potentials (TAAP). Experimental tests of ultra-cold gases and investigations of interacting gases in TAAP will be performed. IESL will advice the other partners on TAAP implementations and contribute to the theoretical work in this context.

Cretan MatterWavesThe work will be carried out in the Cretan MatterWaves group, which is currently operating two BEC experiments: The first BEC is concerned with matter-wave interferometry in the ring shaped Time-Averaged-Adiabatic-Potentials, which we were the first to propose. The second BEC aims at understanding the coherence in multi-frequency atom-lasers and the effect of a large thermal cloud on the coherence of a BEC. It has recently been included as a facility in the Laser Lab Europe.

Wolf von Klitzing is the Head of the Cretan Matter-Waves group. Proposer of the TAAP potentials. Laser cooling and trapping of atoms. Cavity QED (worked 3 years in Serge Haroche’s Group). Ben Sherlock is a Post-Doc in the Cretan-MatterWaves group. During his PhD (Chris Foot, Oxford) he did the first experimental demonstration of the TAAP potentials (double TAAP and Ring TAAP).