Plamen Petrov

(University of Birmingham)

Plamen Petrov

Plamen Petrov

Plamen Petrov joined Birmingham for the period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2015 as a Research Fellow.






  • Quantum optics with cold atoms
  • Light – matter quantum interface
  • Generation of non-classical states of light and matter
  • Continuous variables quantum information
  • Atom chips and photonic crystal waveguides
  • Bose-Einstein condensation on an atom chip


Generation of multi-spatial-mode squeezed light

The project aims at generation of “spatially quiet” light beams, where the quantum fluctuations are squeezed over most of the transverse modes. This translates in reduced intensity fluctuations at any point along their transverse profile compared to classical coherent beams. The nonlinear process used to generate these beams is four-wave mixing in hot atomic vapour. The multi-spatial-mode squeezed light can be used to improve the optical resolution in microscopy, to allow optical storage of high density information beyond the diffraction limit, and to implement multimode quantum memories.

Heralded single photon source

This project employs four-wave mixing process in counter-propagating pump beams configuration to generate entangled photon pairs with a narrow spectral width, which can be used in quantum optics experiments with cold atoms.

Cold atoms photonic crystal waveguide interface

Photonic crystal waveguides (PhCW) channel the propagation of light in a photonic bangap material. It has been shown both theoretically and experimentally that PhCWs exhibit slow light effect that can enhance non-linear processes. The aim of this project is to couple single atoms with a nearby photonic crystal in the strong coupling regime. In these conditions it is expected that single photon non-linearity can take place, leading to  saturation of the atomic transition with just one photon.

Brief CV:

Since July 2011                       Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, UK

Dec 2008 – June 2011          Research Associate, Imperial College London, UK

2006 – Nov 2008                  Postdoctoral researcher, Ben-Gurion University, Israel

2002 – 2006                          PhD, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark